BT14-002-UC - Jiren // Jiren, Blind Destruction


Jiren // Jiren, Blind Destruction Jiren // Jiren, Blind Destruction

Jiren // Jiren, Blind Destruction

Carte anglaise
Informations générales
Série BT14
Couleurs Rouge
Rareté Uncommon
Langue EN
Face Avant
Personnages Jiren
Origines Alien
Pride Troopers
Univers 11
Ère La Survie de l'Univers
Puissance 10000
Face Arrière
Personnages Jiren
Origines Alien
Pride Troopers
Univers 11
Ère La Survie de l'Univers
Puissance 15000


AutoSpirit Boost 1 (You must remove a marker from your Unison Card to activate this skill.) When your opponent attacks, choose up to 1 red <Jiren> card in your hand with an Evolve skill, pay the skill cost for the chosen card's Evolve skill, then evolve it on top of a Battle Card that meets its Evolve requirements.
Activate : MainOnce per turn Add 1 card from your life to your hand : Look at up to 7 cards from the top of your deck, play up to 1 red «Universe 11» card with an energy cost of 1 among them in Rest Mode, then shuffle your deck.
Awaken When your life is at 4 or less : You may draw 1 card, switch up to 1 of your energy to Active Mode, then flip this card over.

LEADER : DOS Eveil du Leader éveil
Auto When this card attacks, draw 1 card.
AutoLimit 2 (You can only activate this skill twice per turn across all copies of this card.) If it's your turn : When one of your red «Universe 11» cards evolves, this card gets +5000 power for the turn.
AutoSpirit Boost 1 When your opponent attacks, choose up to 1 red <Jiren> card in your hand with an Evolve skill, pay the skill cost for the chosen card's Evolve skill, then evolve it on top of a Battle Card that meets its Evolve requirements.

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