BT6-014-SR - SSB Gogeta, Fusion Onslaught


SSB Gogeta, Fusion Onslaught

SSB Gogeta, Fusion Onslaught

Carte anglaise
Informations générales
Série BT6
Couleurs Rouge
Rareté Super Rare
Langue EN
Face Avant
Personnages Gogeta (Br)
Origines Saiyan
Ère DBS (Broly)
Coût en énergie 8
Puissance 35000
Coût de Combo 1
Pui. de Combo 10000


EX-Evolve Choose 2 red cards from your hand and place them in your Drop Area : Red 〈Gogeta : Br〉 card with an energy cost of 6.
Double Strike
Permanent This card can't be KO'd and can attack Battle Cards that are in Active Mode.
Auto When a card evolves into this card, if there are no Battle Cards in play in your opponent's Battle Area, choose up to 2 cards in your opponent's life and place them in their Drop Area, and you can't play {SSB Gogeta, Fusion Onslaught} for the duration of the turn.
Auto When this card attacks a Battle Card, switch this card to Active Mode.

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Carte française

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Carte française

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Carte anglaise